What a completely surreal, strange and stressful time these last 2 months have been during Covid lockdown. Has it really only been 2 months, sometimes it feels like 10. There’s been a lot of sad, depressing news about lives lost. I’ve been amazed, and thankful, for the bravery of front-line workers from nurses to delivery drivers, checkout assistants and postmen, who have put their lives on the line. In Switzerland we’ve been out on the balcony every night at 21:00, clapping to thank them, the least they deserve.

It’s been wonderful having the girls at home every day, and they have come on leaps and bounds with their development, running around and using the sofa as a trampoline! They make us laugh indoors while the world outside has gone crazy. It has however been exhausting working on Uni stuff around the demands of family life, and to be honest, I’m shattered with all the late nights and early starts.

But I got there, with massive support from my partner - all assignments are in, all modules done! The girls go back to creche tomorrow. I’m in two minds about this, however we need to get back to some semblance of normal (whatever that is), and the socialising and stimulation they get there is good for them.

Bring on the sleep!